
Bersih-Bersih, dan Niat Ngeblog Lagi

Hai semua.

Udah lama banget gue ga nulis lagi. Gue kangen deh ngeblog. Dan gue baru sadar layout alay yang gue modif sendiri inilah yang bikin gue rada males ngeblog.

Dan beredar juga kabar burung kalo ngeblog itu cuma kerjaan orang alay.

Well, buang aja burungnya! (Bu Wid) Emang sih awalnya gue mikir hal yang sama, apalagi tulisan gue alay banget waktu itu (gue ngaku nih). Tapi inget juga, banyak yang survive idup karena blog. Ya menurut lo Raditya Dika lahir darimana? (Emaknya -__-) Terus buku-buku tips ngeblog, jual-jual tema blogger, dll juga survivenya dari blog kan? Ya lagi-lagi bakal balik ke orangnya, dia make blog buat apa? Gimana gaya nulisnya? Baru lo bisa nilai alay/nggaknya.

Lagipula kealayan itu hiburan tersendiri kok. Like, 'habuset dulu gue lebay banget ya' tapi kemudian diikuti dengan nostalgia 'gue jadi inget ini deh' dan ketawa-ketawa sendiri. Ada keindahan dibalik kealayan (bah).

 As a starter nih, gue mau ngepost apa ya?

Oh iya, sekarang gue lagi pengangguran abis un nih. Tapi karena gue pengacara (pengangguran banyak acara) tukang abisin duit orang, jadwal gue penuh terus. Jalan kesini lah jalan ke situ lah. Padahal gue harusnya belajar buat sbmptn yang konon katanya susah abis -_-

Terus to do list gue nambah: ngurus blog. Ditunggu aja ya wajah baru dari blog ini. Sekian dulu nulisnya oke? Gue harusnya subuhan malah jadi ke sini-_-

minta doanya ya semua, doain gue lulus dan masuk ugm yaa amiin ;) Yang sama-sama mau masuk ugm, nanti kita di ugm sama-sama yaa hehe amin :)


Hei Hendri

So i have a boyfriend. His name is Hendri, we’re going to the same class, we’re aiming for the same university this year. The only difference between us are gender and age, he is about 1 year older than me. We’ve been dating for almost three months.

Currently he is freaking out because from his perspective i no longer love him. Honestly im a newbie for this kind of thing. Taking care of boys wasnt really my thing until i met him. I really dont understand dos and donts in relationship. So yes this is my fault, and yes im feeling guilty.

Here im trying to fix things up by making this post everywhere and tell the world i still love him. I think this is not the sweetest thing i can do but i still think this could make it up. Do you mind to at least take a minute or two to read this post?

Im not the sweetest girl alive. Im not a perfect girl like every guy dream to have. Im not the prettiest girl ever. And i prefer shirt and jeans instead of a dress. But im sure, that there’s no other girl that love you like i always do.

 I love you Hendri,