
Katanya Tahun Baru Semangat Baru. MANA??!?!?

Seperti judulnya, banyak yg bilang "Tahun Baru Semangat Baru". Digambarkan dengan gambar2 yg bersemangat empatlimakaliduasamadengansembilanpuluh.

Tapi itu gk berlaku buat gw.

Nyatanya, gw tetep aja males, bangun jam 7, tergontai2 dan terkantuk2... Apa sih yg bs bikin gw punya semangat? Lesu loyo de es be gini kok.

Ada yg punya cara biar gw bs semangat? Call 08******** (Wait! Kok melenceng ke sini?)

Intinya sih, gw gk punya semangat apa2 buat tanggal atu bulan atu ini...

Tanggal 6 gw ultah... Yey... Gw tunggu kadonya yaaa!!! *Dibacok* Tapi gw brangkat pagi pulang sore guu~ *rasain lo ta* Yang beneran mo ngasih kado nih *Diinjek massa krn GR*, gambar Clannad, Kanon, Demashita! PPG Z n Keroro Gunsou jg boleh... Hehehe

Ntaran ngepost lagi... Mo sarapan dl.... (Hehehe... Buburnya udah ada tuh...)

Jaa mata Aimashoo....

Porum gua udah aktip... Yey... Mo Gabung gak?

Yosh! Ketinggalan nih atu...
Gw sedang mengelola forum (ciaah..)....
Namanya Demashita! Power Puff Girls Z Forum...
Ampe sekarang sih, membernya baru 4 biji. Emang nih forum masih berantakan bgt...
Ni Linknya http://demashitappgz.co.nr/
Ni Affiliatesnya... Yang mao pasang, sok atuh...

Susah masukin alamatnya di sini. Klo mo nge-aff, Save dulu tuh gambar, trus upload lagi. Bagian '...a href="http://imageshack.us/"...' diganti dengan link forum... Ok.. Thx yooo....

Buat yg tertarik, pls join. Isinya emang blom banyak. Tp kl membernya mulai banyak, ntar Inta isi se-full yg Inta bisa....

Arigatou... Akimashite Omedetou... Jaa Mata Aimashooo.....

Anjrot, Blog gua bulukan

Setelah sekian lama gw aktip di porum2 dan posting sana-sini biar dapet gelar, GUA MELUPAKAN BLOG GUA!!! HUHUHUUUU.... Bulukan deh sekarang... Weee...

Acara lebay selesai

Ok, Met taon baru nih semuanya krn kira2 6 jam lagi, kita sudah berada di tahun 2009, tahun yang lebih naujubilahminjalik baik dr tahun ini. Darimana lo tau ta? Feeling... Hehehe...

Target Tahun Baru

Soal ini siiih... Well eh... Gw sendiri belum pasti... Gw masih ngincer Yakitate!! Japan no. 5 nih. Di Gramed udah gk ada (siapa suruh telat, bego!)

Yang Dilakukan Pada Detik2 Tahun Baru

Gw sama adek gw masih di rumah.... berdua doangan (Weeeh... Mana nih anak keras kepala lagi. Bodo deh. Yg penting ada temennya...). Gak tau juga nih, palingan ntar jam 12 mallem, gw lg enak2nya di alam mimpi....

Eh iya.... Sebelum lo off ne ta, gw pengen tanya...
  • Kenapa lo suka kopi paste gtu aja buat ngisi blog ini?
    Actually, gw sendiri rada bingung knp gw kok enak bgt kopi paste dr web lain *digebukin orang*. Tapi, gw sendiri merasa nih blog musti ada isinya. N otak gw bner2 buntu buat ngisi. Jadinya yaaah... Tau sendiri kelanjutannya...
  • Kenapa lo gak ngelanjutin review dupan itu ta?
    Gw MALES. Singkat, padat dan jelas bukan? *Ditempeleng* Oke... Yaa... Soalnya bagian itu doang yg seru. Paling yang lainnya gw merengek-rengek minta jadi basah, kenyataannya malah kering mulu. Trus jg gw duduk didepan berdua ama nyokap, jadi gw hrs menghindar dr polisi. Ama Asuka yg motretnya kaga jadi2 gr2 truk2 s**** yang segede2 gaban itu. Lainnya mah, biasa aja.
  • Kenapa lo gk pernah up to date ta?
    Gw bacok lo yg nanya! Gw ngaku, tapi jgn nanya dong! Bikin gw bingung + stress aja....
Udah yaaa... Gw opp dl. Anjrit, punggung gua sakit! See ya! Akimashite Omedetou Minna! Jaa mata aimashoo....


We went to Dufan!

------------------------------------For Indonesian Only----------------------------------------

Kemaren, tanggal 17, gw bersama teman2 gw(Asuka, Chii, Koharu, Fujiwara Ayumu, Miharu, Sachiyo, Saruwatari Ayumu, Miyako) n 3 ibu2 pendamping lainnya berlibur ke dufan. Akhirnya setelah pertapa berminggu-minggu, jadi juga ke sana.

Gw n tmen2 gw tereak-tereak kyk orang udik di sana "Dupaaan!! Dupan!!" "Weiii!!! Akhirnya jadi juga!!" "Hidup dupaan!!!". Untunglah ga ada orang yg peduli akan ke-udik-kan kami di sana.

Target 1: Kora-kora

Banyak anak yang udah pengen naik itu. Termasuk gw. Begitu ngeliat, kami langsung ikutan ngantri mo naek. Kami ngeliat kora2 lg diayun2.

Gw: Uff.... Duh gila..

Koharu: Aaaah, serem gw ngeliat orang2 d ayun2 gitu!

Asuka: Lo mo nyerah aja?

Fujiwara Ayumu: Aaah, don't be a loser!

Gw: Siapa jg yg mo nyerah? Udah deket nih kita!

Koharu: Tapi gw ngeliatnya gimana... gitu....

Saruwatari Ayumu: Ga usah diliat, tapi dirasain! Disitu enaknya!

Gw: Oke deh, percaya. Ntaran kita duduk di tengah ya!!

Fujiwara Ayumu, Saruwatari Ayumu, Sachiyo, Koharu: Iyaaa!!!

Chii: Gw mo di paling pinggir ama Asuka....

Giliran kami maju.  Untunglah gw mendapat tempat yg gw n temen2 gw mau. Setelah pengaman terpasang, kora2 bergerak....

Tinggi... Tinggi... Dan..

Pas Kora2 naik dengan cepat


Orang dibelakang gw: Buset nih cewek depan gw tereaknya kenceng banget!

Fujiwara Ayumu: WUAAAA!! SEREEEEEM!!!!

Saruwatari Ayumu: *Dzikir*

Koharu: WUAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Sachiyo: UDAAAH!! UDAAAAH!!!


Asuka: *diem*

Pas kora2 berjalan turun

Gw: Haaah.. Hah... Hosh... Hosh....

Fujiwara Ayumu: Hah... Hah.. hah..

Saruwatari Ayumu: *Dzikir*

Koharu: Ah-hah.. huh... hah...

Sachiyo: Udah-hah... Hahudahuhah...


Chii: Telat, baka!

Setelah naik kora2, gw merasa bersyukur udah di atas tanah lagi. Miharu n Miyako cuma nyengir kuda ngeliat gw n yg laennya turun dari kora2. Curang lo pada!

Target 2: Istana Boneka

Actually, gw agak gak setuju ama ide yg satu ini. Selain gak terlalu seru, wahana ini kyk cuman buat anak2 kecil. Cuma, karena tmen2 gw pada naek, apakah gw mau bengong sendirian diluar istana boneka? Mendingan gw ikut deh!

Tanpa mengantri lama (masih sepi, enak lho!), gw n temen2 gw naik seperahu. Para ibu2 pendamping berada di perahu belakang.

Begitu perahu masuk istana, gw ngerasa ada hawa2 gak enak.

Fujiwara Ayumu: Eh, gw ngerasa gak enak deh!

Gw: Sama... Bikin merinding...

Boneka2 tua mulai nampak. 2 biji, melambai2kan tangan, n geleng2 kepala. Temen2 gw pada serem ngeliatnya. Asuka treak-treak. Chii agak shock ngeliat best friendnya itu.

Yak, lorang pertama adalah nusantara. Berbagai macam boneka didandani sehingga mirip orang2 dr berbagai daerah. Serem. Kulitnya udah pada ngelupas gtu.

Next, lorong Asia. Bangsanya Jepang, Cina, Korea, dll. Kecuali Asia Barat. Betapa... menyedihkan... Boneka... Jepangnya.... JELEK PISAN!!!! Mana ngangguk2 gtu lagi. Sok hormat! Tapi kyknya klo gw ngomong gtu keras2, gw bakalan dikutuk 7 turunan deh.

Next, Asia Barat. India, arab, dsb. Kayaknya di lorong ini boneka2nya paling tua. Yaaah... Manakutahu... Semuanya seram...


~Twilight~ Review Before Watching


TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn't expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn't have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees straight into Bella's soul. Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. But what will Edward & Bella do when a clan of new vampires - James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre) - come to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life?

Casts and Crews


Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan)
Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen)
Billy Burke (Charlie Swan)
Peter Facinelli (Dr. Carlisle Cullen)
Elizabeth Reaser (Esme Cullen)
Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale)
Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen)
Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale)
Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen)
Cam Gigandet (James)
Edi Gathegi (Laurent)
Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria)
Anna Kendrick (Jessica)
Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black)
Sarah Clarke (Renee)
Gil Birmingham (Billy Black)
Christian Serratos (Angela)
Justin Chon (Eric)
Michael Welch (Mike Newton)
Jose Zuniga (Mr. Molina)
Ned Bellamy (Waylon)


Catherine Hardwicke (Director)
Mark Morgan (Producer)
Greg Mooradian (Producer)
Wyck Godfrey (Producer)
Stephenie Meyer (Twilight Author)
Melissa Rosenberg (Screenwriter)


Twilight the Official Movie Site
Stephanie Meyer's Official Site
The Twilight Saga
Official Twilight MySpace Page
Official Twilight YouTube Page

LA Times: Hollywood Backlot

MTV Movies Blog

Twilight Lexicon

His Golden Eyes
Bella and Edward
Twilight Latino
Twilight Teens
Twilight Series Theories
Twilight Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


Go All The Way by: Perry Farrel

Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) - Perry Farrell

Decode by: Paramore 

Decode - Paramore

Full Moon by: The Black Ghost

About Twilight

Based on the #1 New York Times Best-Selling series with over 17 million books in print by Stephenie Meyer, TWILIGHT is a cultural phenomenon, with a dedicated fan base that eagerly awaits this movie. There are over 350 fan sites devoted to TWILIGHT, and it has been chosen as the New York Times Editor's Choice, a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, Amazon's "Best Book of the Decade...So Far", Teen People's "Hot List" Pick, and The American Library Association's "Top Ten Best Book for Young Adults" and "Top Ten Books for Reluctant Readers," among others. Critically acclaimed director Catherine Hardwicke brings to life this modern, visual, and visceral Romeo & Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between vampire and mortal.

About The Production

Producer Greg Mooradian of Maverick Films first read Twilight before the young adult novel gained worldwide acclaim—in fact, before it had even been published. "Part of my job as a producer is to scour the world for new material," says Mooradian. "I read a lot of manuscripts prior to their being published. When this one came across my desk, I just couldn't put it down. The premise of a girl falling in love with a vampire just hit me like a ton of bricks. And the book delivered on every level."
What drew Mooradian to the story was not its exoticism, but rather its universality. "There have been thousands of vampire films made," he says. "What sets this apart is the love story. Vampirism in this story is simply a metaphor for teenage lust, for that feeling of 'I want you, but I can't have you.' I thought that was such a wonderful metaphor to express teenage longing. 

"It's analogous to any young girl who has the opportunity to date the boy that her parents hope she'll go out with," Mooradian continues. "But then there's that other boy who's mysterious and dark and brooding, and there's such a desire to unlock the secrets behind who and what he is, which in this case is a vampire. And that revelation happens at a point where she's already too far in to withdraw, no matter what the consequences are."

Twilight was the first published work by author Stephenie Meyer, who has gone on to create three additional books in the series, with no sign of slowing down. "As a first-time author, I had no idea what normal is," she says. "I still don't. I had no expectations. I was first approached about the movie before the book had even come out. I didn't expect to hear anything about it until it was on the shelves, if then."

Meyer describes herself as a mom first, then a writer, despite her chart-topping sales and prolific output. "For me, writing this book was so personal," she says. "I was surprised that people responded to it so well. It still amazes me to watch how people get into the characters and how important it is to them. I get e-mails from people who feel like my book has actually changed their lives."

A Brigham Young University graduate with a degree in English literature, Meyer says the idea for Twilight came from a dream. "When I woke up, I wanted to know happened next. That first day I wrote 10 pages. When I finished it, no one was more shocked than me that I had actually finished a book."

As Meyer continued to add volumes to her narrative, Mooradian approached Summit Entertainment with the idea of developing the saga into a series of films. Twilight's novel concept and compelling characters made it an apt candidate.

"The idea of a supernatural fantasy as background for a great tragic love story is a great combination," says producer Wyck Godfrey. "Add to that a best-selling book series, and fans already connected to the characters, and we have a really good foundation to open it up to a new audience that may have never heard of Twilight. I think that once they see it, they're going to respond in the same way as the people who have discovered the books.

"There's a huge amount of danger in this movie," Godfrey continues. "There's also just the excitement of a teenager doing things that are verboten. These are things that people connect to. And not just girls—I think that guys will discover it's dangerous, there's action, there's a thriller element to it, and then, ultimately, that it's cool to be a vampire."

As soon as she read the book, executive producer Karen Rosenfelt says she was immediately intrigued by the "Romeo and Juliet" aspect of the storyline as well as its sustained sexual tension. "I think we all think we're Bella," says the former Paramount Pictures production president. "As a character she's very accessible and identifiable. We all feel outside of the in-group and want to feel we're marching to the beat of our own drummer."

Meyer was excited about the possibility of seeing her work translated to film, but only as long as the filmmakers remained true to the books. "All of us have seen books ruined as movies, and I had a lot of things that I wanted to protect. My stipulations were pretty basic: You can't kill anyone who doesn't die in the book. The Cullens have to all exist by their right names and in their right characters. Things like that. I wanted the groundwork to be there."

The filmmakers were sensitive to her concerns and committed to remaining as faithful to the book as possible. "The book is a bible for so many young girls, we needed to tell the story as written, as much as possible," says Mooradian. "Stephenie loved the script. But at the same time she had some very specific ideas, and we implemented nearly all of them, much to the benefit of the film. For example, we had slightly changed a passage from the book, 'And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." Stephanie suggested we go back to the way it was, because so many girls had tattooed that line on their ankles. I thought she was joking, but no."

The producers tapped Catherine Hardwicke to direct the film. Hardwicke had segued a few years earlier from production designer working on films including Laurel Canyon, Vanilla Sky and Three Kings to writing and directing her debut film, the award-winning Thirteen, a sensitive and controversial look at a troubled teen's relationship with her mother.

"By no means were we exclusively looking at female directors,' says Mooradian. " But the core readership is young females, and we wanted to get somebody who understood that perspective. Catherine has really embraced that age group. She connects well with teenagers, and given her
filmography, it was a natural fit. We did feel it was a plus for someone to be able to say that they've walked in the shoes of Bella, in terms of having that first crush on a guy, and that decision to go after the wrong guy, and the consequences that would come thereafter. We were fortunate to have found a great female director, as well as a great female writer to carry out the mission."

Rosenfelt adds: "What Catherine demonstrated with Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown and The Nativity Story—all very different films—is that she can create a world that feels organic and not manufactured. That was really important in bringing Twilight to the screen."

"When I read the book, I was swept away with the whole obsession—that ecstasy," says Hardwicke. "Stephenie writes with such an authentic voice. Twilight had the potential to be so visual and cinematic and to capture that feeling: how it feels to be in love for the first time, and loving somebody so much that you'd literally be willing to turn into a vampire."

Melissa Rosenberg came to the table with considerable experience writing for the film's primary audience of high school age girls. In addition to the television shows "Party of Five" and "The O.C.," Rosenberg wrote the screenplay for Step Up, an enormously successful teen romance between a ballerina and a street dancer, also for Summit Entertainment. She is currently a writer for the provocative Showtime drama "Dexter," whose romantic hero is a serial killer. "Twilight is really the marriage of both my love of writing for teens and the sort of gothic-ness of horror," she says. "When they called me, all they had to say was teens and vampires and I was there."

consequences that would come thereafter. We were fortunate to have found a great female director, as well as a great female writer to carry out the mission."

Rosenfelt adds: "What Catherine demonstrated with Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown and The Nativity Story—all very different films—is that she can create a world that feels organic and not manufactured. That was really important in bringing Twilight to the screen."

"When I read the book, I was swept away with the whole obsession—that ecstasy," says Hardwicke. "Stephenie writes with such an authentic voice. Twilight had the potential to be so visual and cinematic and to capture that feeling: how it feels to be in love for the first time, and loving somebody so much that you'd literally be willing to turn into a vampire."

Melissa Rosenberg came to the table with considerable experience writing for the film's primary audience of high school age girls. In addition to the television shows "Party of Five" and "The O.C.," Rosenberg wrote the screenplay for Step Up, an enormously successful teen romance between a ballerina and a street dancer, also for Summit Entertainment. She is currently a writer for the provocative Showtime drama "Dexter," whose romantic hero is a serial killer. "Twilight is really the marriage of both my love of writing for teens and the sort of gothic-ness of horror," she says. "When they called me, all they had to say was teens and vampires and I was there."


iMori's Favorite Characters


Name: Hotaru Imai
Age: 10 (at debut)
Date of birth: October 25
Horoscope Scorpio
Height: 139cm
Weight: 30kg
Blood type: AB
Alice: Invention
Alice Stone Color: Purple
Type of Alice: Technical Ability
Star Ranking: Triple Star 


Hotaru Imai is Mikan Sakura's best friend. She met Mikan during fourth grade when she moved into the country. She went to Alice Academy partly because they gave out money and she wanted to pay her old school's dues, so it wouldn't be demolished. As an Alice, her parents were state-bound to enroll her in the Academy. So, to an extent, they probably got tired of evading the government, too. She wanted to go for the position of 'Honor Roll Student' so she could go home to visit Mikan and her parents.

She was transferred to Alice Academy during Spring time, as revealed in the manga. She was given a two star rank because she has a good reputation. On her first day of class, she didn't bother to talk to anybody. The next day she wore an egg helmet to hide her face and her classmates were surprised that she made the egg helmet in one day. The first one to ever befriend her was Yū Tobita a.k.a.Iinchō, the class representative. Some friends of Natsume's, or more like followers, disliked Hotaru for her arrogant attitude. Because of this, she had to arm herself with weapons to protect her from the attacks of her classmates. Due to the trouble she caused with them, she got scolded by Jinno-sensei a lot.

Later, she was promoted to three stars, but she was not happy. She was thinking of her family and of course, Mikan.

As Iinchou stated, the first time Hotaru ever smiled ever since she came to the Academy was the day Mikan arrived.

Hotaru also knows that both Natsume Hyūga and Ruka Nogi have crushes on Mikan, and sometimes tortures the pair about it. Hotaru has also realized Mikan's budding feeling for Natsume, feelings not even Mikan herself knows about. Hotaru protects Mikan from Luna Koizumi by pretending to befriend Luna.


She is extremely intelligent and rational. During the story, though she may appear to be rather cold and indifferent on the surface, it is apparent that she genuinely cares for Mikan. Hotaru breaks the fourth wall by teaching the audience about her inventions. The other characters see her explaining her inventions to apparently no one. Hotaru is labeled as weird, odd, and rather strange by other students, and sometimes she can be arrogant and has a bad-mouth (as described by the author)[1], which others find irritating.

She also tends to be fairly "sassy" through the variety of things she either does to bully Mikan, or punish others who bully her. Though, she does has some "stupid" points; her constant eating habits and her greedy side that causes her to make inventions that need a toll payment. She tends to be a "pig" when it comes to food and has a particular liking in seafoods. Hotaru is very lazy, as she has her inventions to do her work for her. Because she has no talent in swimming, other students teased her for having a 'Non-swimming Alice'.

As an enterprising student, she likes blackmailing people, most particularly of Ruka. She takes pictures of him showing his gentler side, probably to cater to the girls (and some guys) in the school, who would buy them (although it's also known that animals had performed little favors or paid her for those pictures as well). She does not only take photos of him, though, when a returning alumni and current famous actor, Reo, shows up, she makes sure she is at a vantage point to get good photos. She complains that the effect is, however, rather ruined when Mikan somehow falls into Reo's path.


Mikan Sakura
Hotaru brushing Mikan's hair

Hotaru may bully Mikan a lot, but she actually cares for her. She has a strange way of showing her affections towards Mikan, which could be either painful or not. Mikan's smile always enlightens her, and she always tells Mikan to smile. She doesn't let Mikan hug her easily, and she would usually avoid her. She doesn't tolerate people who bullies Mikan, as proven when she hit a guy that was about to punch Mikan. She stated that she is the only one who can make Mikan cry. Hotaru enjoys bullying the person she likes, especially Mikan, and loves to see her pained expression, which she considers cute.

When she left for the Academy, she grew sad and refused to smile. It was clear that she missed Mikan a lot, and in the anime, she even built a robot to look exactly like Mikan (Amanatsu). In the manga, she invented a robot penguin which has the personality of Mikan.

Hotaru can be very protective of Mikan and she just enjoys teasing, or more like, torturing her many admirers, namely Natsume and mostly Ruka. She had always admired Mikan's strong will and ability to smile always. For her, Mikan is her most valued treasure.

Subaru Imai

Subaru is the older brother of Hotaru. He is a member of the student council and a Special Star student. They share similarities in terms of personality. Like Hotaru, Subaru is also cold and rational, and he doesn't hesitate to insult Hotaru and others, though he's softened up when it comes to Mikan. Even though they may not show it, they actually care for one another. In the Valentine's Day chapter, Hotaru is seen giving her chocolates to Subaru. She also danced with him during the Christmas Party, though they were really trying to step on each other's feet.

Gender: Female
Age: 14
Birthday: June 14
Horoscope: Gemini
Blood Type: B
Alice: Doppelganger

Misaki is a friend of Tsubasa and likes to pick on him a lot. She also belongs to the Special Ability class and is one of the most normal looking people there. She has a Doppelganger Alice that allows her to multiply herself into two or more. She is very up-beat.

She danced the Last Dance with Tsubasa during the festival, which, according to the Alice tradition, is a 'dance of love', and any couple that dances during this will be together forever. She and Tsubasa have even been described as a 'married couple' in the anime.

She is also a member of Watching Over Ruka group. And it somehow appears that Kitsuneme and Yome have innocent crushes on her. As a senpai, she takes good care of Mikan, especially in Tsubasa's absence. She is more like a big sister. She is shown to have good fighting abilities as she can easily beat up guys in a fight.

In the manga, her hair is a bit longer and she ties it up when she went to the Flower Princess Festival.


Kosuke Ueki
(植木 耕助 Ueki Kōsuke) Voiced by: Romi Paku (Japanese), Huy Anh Hoang (English)
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Birth date: 4th July
Blood type: A
Ability: Change trash into trees
Ability Level 2:Undo the opponent's power

Kosuke Ueki is the main character in the series. He is in Class 1-C at Hinokuni Junior High School. Ueki's ability is given to him by Kobayashi (a.k.a. Mr. K), who is also Ueki's homeroom teacher. His level 2 power is to undo the opponent's power. He can use more than one sacred treasure weapon at the same time. He is also seen wearing pinkish-red shoes during his first fight with Robert Haydn.

Ueki is an unusually calm individual, and doesn't care about what happens to him. He can be found snoozing in class, letting children use him as a target for shooting soccer balls (or in one case, a surfboard),and also calling the police without panicking when he faces a gang of rowdy teenagers. However, he cares for people around them, even going as far as saving Robert Haydn from falling debris in the Dogura Mansion.

According to a short profile of the main characters of The Law of Ueki (published in the end of manga vol. 16 by the author), Ueki's hobbies include cleaning up his town. In the first volume of the manga, Ueki is seen planting trees in the town park.

Ueki is a genuinely kind person who is always trying to help people. Ueki is actually a heavenly being sent to Earth by his father in order to take part in this tournament. Being a heavenly being allows him powers beyond his tree-making skills.

It seems he may have a crush on Ai (especially in the manga), but it is not admitted in the anime series.

Ai Mori
(森 あい Mori Ai) Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese), Lori Barnes-Smith (English)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Birth date: 8th August
Blood type: A
Ability: Change her opponent into a glasses-lover (any glasses)

Ai Mori is one of Ueki's classmates at Hinokuni Junior High School. When in a casual mood, Ai is usually upbeat and friendly, although she is often shown with a very shallow side, initially believing that all power-users (with the exception of Ueki) are dangerous enemies that can't be trusted. Still, Ai cares deeply for her friends, especially Ueki. She discovers Ueki's power early on, coming to a rather unusual conclusion and at first believing him to be an alien. Upon learning of the competition Ueki is in, she decides to back him up, to keep him from losing all his talents and disappearing because of it.

She is strict with Ueki at times, especially when he looks like he is about to do something rash. Ai continuously tries to be his voice of reason, although her shallow antics and outspoken personality often annoys him. Later on in the series, she is given an ability by the King of the Celestial World Candidate, Wanko, during Ueki's fight with Sano. However, her power's condition is that her opponent must perform a goody-two-shoes pose (raising the right leg backwards while putting both of the fists close to the mouth region). Once this power is activated, her opponent falls totally in love with glasses(usually Ai's) and will do anything to keep them from harm, even defeat themselves. Also, they will not attack because they may accidentally break the glasses, and will do anything to prevent Ai from breaking them.

The food she cooks tends to look rather odd and off-putting (usually with squirming octopus tentacles), but it still tastes good. It seems she may have a crush on Ueki, but it is not admitted in the series.


Name: Kazuma Azuma
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 16 years old
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Status: Baker
Voice: Yumiko Kobayashi
Azuma Kazuma is a sixteen year-old boy that is aiming to make a Japanese bread to be one of the trademarks of Japan. He has a solar hands that allows the yeast to ferment faster. He also has friends he met when he entered the Fantasia main branch to be able to make a Japanese bread.

One such friend is Kyousuke Kawachi, who is a boy that is aiming to be one of the bakers of the Fantasia main branch. Then there's Tsukino Azusagawa, who is the granddaughter of the owner of the main branch.

Mizuno Azusagawa
Also known as "the kid"
Age: early teens
Ethnicity: Japanese
Family: father, mother, Yukino, Tsukino
Distinguishing feature: Ability to act like a baby koala

Mizuno is the youngest of the Azusagawa sisters, and makes her first appearance in the Pantasia newcomer's battle. Though young, she is also a manager's proxy like Tsukino, and specializes in making melon-bread. She doesn't hate Tsukino quite as much as Yukino hates Tsukino, but still strongly dislikes her. When she loses the newcomer's battle, Azuma makes her refer to Tsukino in a kinder fashion, rather than making fun of Tsukino by calling her "Tsukino-neechan". She seems fickle and almost lets Koala walk out after firing him, but has some heart and realizes that he's a good employee and runs after him.


Akira Ijyuin (伊集院 玲 Ijūin Akira)
Akira is the treasurer of the CLAMP Gakuen's Student Body. He is a crossover character from CLAMP's CLAMP Gakuen Tanteidan and 20 Menshou Onegai as a grade 4 student. Little is known about the adult Akira in X but in the other works, he is known as a good cook and a skillful thief.


Momoko Koigakubo (Cool)
Momoko is a 6th grader and Satsuki's best friend. She seems to fear nothing, even in very dangerous situations, and is very brave when it comes to helping Satsuki and the gang confront the ghosts. She also seems to have a psychic connection with Satsuki's mother. Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)

Hajime Aoyama (Funny)
Hajime is Satsuki's neighbor. He is always strong and courageous to help defeat the ghosts, but though he says that this is very brave, he is actually a coward. Despite this, he is one of the most reliable of Satsuki's friends and has saved her on more than one occasion. Hajime also has a naughty habit of flipping girls' skirts, and his constant victim is no other than Satsuki. This results in frequent comic moments. Throughout the anime, it seems that Hajime and Satsuki develop mutual crushes on each other (not that they'd admit it). Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Chris Patton (English)


南 樹
Minami Itsuki (Cool)
Itsuki Minami
Alternate names : Ikki (Nickname)
Babyface (Nickname)
Crow (Nickname) 

Seiyū (Japanese): Kenta Kamakari
Voice actor(s) (English): Chris Patton 

Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in :
Anime and manga
Age :
167 cm
52 kg

Early Life

Ikki was an orphan before being adopted by the Noyamano family, whose parents were friends of Ikki's parents. Here, he was loved, but still proved a handful. 

He got along well with his adoptive sister Ringo, who has had a crush on him since youth, which Ikki remained oblivious to. 

Once, while reflecting with Ringo, he was led to wonder who his real parents were. This led him to go as far as climbing a large tower, at a young age, to see if he could see his real parents from up there. A helicopter was sent to rescue him, but as a soldier tried to rescue him, Ikki bit his arm, causing the soldier to drop him. Ikki was caught by a giant crow as he fell. Since that incident he earned the title, "child of the wind". 

Life during the anime

Ikki is in his second year of Junior high and is leader of the East Side Gunz at the start of the anime. 

He grows an interest in Air Treks after being beaten up by by the leader of the Skull Saders' team who was using Air Treks. This led him to watch AT videos belonging to his sisters and he used to watch a girl called Simca practice. 

One night he sneaked into a room in house, covered in "keep out" stickers. Here he discovered much AT material and realised that his sisters have been using ATs without him knowing. He took a pair of ATs for a spin. He ends up in a challenge with the Skull Saders, where he must race them to knock a sign over a shop in the area. Ikki won the race, with the help of Sleeping Forest, but is made work for shop owner to pay for the damage to the sign. 

After Kazu and Onigiri are hospitalized by Buccha, while defending the East Side Gunz, Ikki challanges Buccha to an Parts War. With the help of other members of the East Side Gunz, Ikki defeats him, and causes Buccha's team, the Night Kings to be disbanded. 

Ikki later starts his own AT team with his friends, Kazu and Onigiri and they also recruited Buccha. After starting the team, Kogarasumaru, the East Side Gunz becomes disbanded.

美鞍 数馬
Mikura Kazuma
Kazuma Mikura
Alternate names:
Seiyū (Japanese):
Voice actor(s) (English):
Clint Bickham
Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in :
Anime and manga

Previous team(s):
East Side Gunz
Kazu was formerly a member of the East Side Gunz. In order to defend the school for the Gunz from the Night Kings, Kazu and Onigiri end up ina fight with Buccha, resulting in them being hospitalized. He manages to write Ikki a note using his mouth after Buccha broke his fingers, apologizing for not being able to defend the school. Ikki took on Buccha in a Parts War after reading the note. 

Ikki encourages Kazu and Buccha to start an AT team with him, beore Kazu begins using ATs. 

The older members of the East Side Gunz offer Kazu, the position of leader after Ikki takes up ATs, at the price of bringing them Ikki's head. Kazu refuses and ends up in a fight with them, where he manages to beat them all up. 

After taking up ATs, Kazu becomes one of the founding members of Kogarasumaru. He trains hardest out of all the team members. In their first battle, Kazu becomes insecure as the fate of their team rests in his performance. If he lost the team would be disbanded. Kazu asks Agito to ride instead of him, knowing Agito can win no problem, while nobody knows if Kazu can, saying the school, ATs and the team are too important for him to take that risk. Agito accepts saying that what Kazu said meant that he didn't care being regarded as more than a "bench warmer", who planned bailing everytime they went to battle. Insecure about what Agito said, Kazu is about to let Agito take his place, thinking he must put the team first. But Ikki, disaproves and makes Kazu ride. Kazu manages to win easily and gain confidence.

野山野 蜜柑
Noyamano Mikan
Mikan Noyamano 

Seiyū (Japanese): Seika Hosokawa
Voice actor(s) (English): Shelley Calene-Black 

Debut (Manga):
Trick 1
Debut (Anime):
Trick 1
Appears in:
Anime and manga
164 cm
Sleeping Forest
Mikan Noyamano is the second eldest of the Noyamano sisters and a member of Sleeping Forest. Throughtout the series she is often seen enforcing discipline or punishing Ikki, through violence. 

Mikan is fan of retrogaming. Simca joins her in her hobby for a period of time and spends time gaming with her. Simca leaves after Mikan realizes she had been spending time at her house to get close to Ikki. Before Simca leaves, Mikan asks her if they are considered enemies. Simca replies not for now, but it's up to Ikki to decide.

Noyamano Shiraume
Shiraume Noyamano (野山野 白梅, Noyamano Shiraume?), known as Ume to her family, the youngest of the sisters. Her hobby is the creation of puppets (which creeps out Ringo and Ikki to no end), and she's always seen carrying one with her. Other than that she's also quite handy with machines despite her age. She's the one who introduces Kogarasumaru to Kei Machida, the pro emblem designer who designs their team logo. She is supposedly the weakest member of Sleeping Forest in terms of AT fighting skills. She is also sometimes sarcastic. Her latest appearance involves her revealing herself as a Gravity Child. She is able to successfully attack Ikki, something she could never achieve in normal gravity (although only in a rather comical fashion), due to both his underestimating her and his inability to adjust to the gravity-less area they were in.


Himeka Kujyou (九条 姫香, Kujō Himeka?) Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya
Age: 12-13
Himeka is Karin's friend and Kazune's "cousin". She is one half of a goddess; the other half is Kirio's younger sister who is also named Himeka. When one Himeka becomes stronger, the other becomes weaker. Since she was a young girl, she has always defended Kazune, who was a bit of a crybaby when they were little. She speaks slowly, loves bugs, and is a good cook. Like Karin, she does poorly in school. It is later revealed that she is Kazuto and Suzuka's daughter. She tells Karin at one point that while she has a strong affection for Kazune, it is not necessarily a romantic attachment, as Kazune is "kind of like a brother and kind of like a dad" to Himeka (referencing Kazune's identity as a clone of Himeka's father). She also witnessed Kazune and Karin kissing in the anime.


Kazuki Hihara (火原 和樹, Hihara Kazuki)
Voiced by: Masakazu Morita
Trumpet by: Kazuki Abe
Hihara is an energetic third year at Seisou who plays the trumpet. He is tall and in shape (he runs every morning), and has green hair and eyes. He's aggressively friendly and outgoing and has little sense of social boundary. Hihara has an enormous appetite, as he is constantly eating (especially baked goods). He quickly befriends Kahoko. In the middle of the series, he starts to call Kahoko "Kaho-chan", instead of the usual "Hino-chan", this suggesting he has a rather obvious crush on the girl. He also admits he has a crush to Azuma, saying "don't make fun of me" when asked. Basketball is one of his favorite sports.

Keiichi Shimizu (志水 桂一, Shimizu Keiichi)
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
Cello by: Tomoki Tai
A blond 'bishounen' and also is the youngest male competitor, he plays the cello. He is very drowsy all the time and often seems confused. Shimizu can be found sleeping anywhere, anytime, so Kahoko first meets him lying on the ground fast asleep. His life seems to revolve around music (he tells Hino that he sleeps, wakes up, plays the cello, then repeats the process, other than eating and visiting the library), and he loves to play his instrument. He enjoys reading and studying music history and structures of instruments. In time, he becomes interested in Hino because of her carefree music.

Shouko Fuyuumi (冬海 笙子, Fuyuumi Shōko)
Voiced by: Akemi Satou
Clarinet by Tomoko Nishizaki
The other female competitor from the school, she plays the clarinetand is also shown to play a little piano from episode 26. Fuyuumi is a first year at Seisou, a small, slim girl with cyan hair and eyes. She is very hesitant and easily intimidated, and very shy. During the training camp, her vacation house was used, indicating she comes from a wealthy family. She looks up to Kahoko as a role model and wants to be like her.

Kahoko Hino (日野 香穂子, Hino Kahoko)
Voiced by: Reiko Takagi
Violin by: Yuuki Nakajima
The protagonist. Kahoko has a slim figure, with scarlet hair and brown eyes. She is very friendly and is very honest. She is a second year at Seisou Academy and is in the General Education department. Hino never played or touched a violin in her life until she meets the strange fairy, Lili. Though at first reluctant about playing the violin, she soon becomes more in depth with her music. She is a polite and considerate girl who puts other's feelings before her own, though at times she can appear rather naive, especially in music. The boys involved in the concours have obvious crushes on her, though she cannot figure that out. She lives in an apartment with her mother and older sister.


Name: Minto Aizawa
Age: 12
Alias: Mew Minto
DNA: Ultramarine Lorikeet
Weapon: Minto Arrow
Attack: Ribbon Minto Echo
Metamorphosis: Mew Mew Minto, Metamorphosis

Minto Aizawa (藍沢 みんと Aizawa Minto?) is the second Mew Mew to be introduced in the series. At their first meeting, Mint lends Ichigo a handkerchief, but also makes snide comments causing Ichigo to consider her a rude, sarcastic person. After learning about the Mew Mew project and that there are four other Mew Mews to find, Ichigo suspects Minto must be one of them. Ichigo is unable to confirm her suspicions while visiting with Masaya to return the hankie, so she breaks into Minto's home later. A chimera anima takes over Minto's dog Mickey, and during the battle, Minto's mark is revealed. Infused with the genes of a Ultramarine Lorikeet, Minto grows a pair of bird wings appear on her back and a bird's tail when she transforms into Mew Minto. She fights with a bow and arrow.

Minto is initially depicted as a spoiled, snobbish, and self-centered brat. As the series progresses, she is shown to really be a more empathetic person who cares deeply about her friends. Minto is a ballerina and takes Japanese dance classes. Though she technically works at the cafe, she usually spends most of her time enjoying afternoon tea and ordering the others about. Minto idolizes fellow Mew Mew, Zakuro Fujiwara.

In the anime series, the circumstances of Minto's first appearance are changed, as the anime eliminates the first meeting of the girls at the endangered species exhibit. Instead, Minto meets Ichigo when her dog, Mickey, runs up to Ichigo and licks her face. Ichigo later goes to Minto's house after Masha indicates that there is a chimera anima there. After Ichigo arrives at Minto's house, it returns to the manga's version of the meeting. Minto's anime depiction is voiced by Yumi Kakazu. In the Mew Mew Power English adaptation her name is changed to Corina Bucksworth and she is voiced by Andi Whaley.


Name: Karin Aoi
Voice Talent: Tominaga Miina
Karin Aoi is from the future where there is severe overpopulation. She is sent back in time via an interesting time travel machine that becomes her headquarters throughout the series, keeping her in touch with hersuperior in the future. With her she brings a bullet programmed to change the DNA of one person, Junta Momonari, who is one of the main causes of the overpopulation in the future. He is a Mega-playboy. A man women find irresistible. All Karin wants is to finish her assignment and return home and settle down in a "sweet home" This becomes a very doubtful hope as she brings the WRONG bullet, one programmed to turn Junta into the Mega-Playboy!


Tomoyo Daidouji
Age 10
Gender Female
Date of birth September 3
Occupation Student (CCS)
Corporate President (Tsubasa)
Princess of Japan (Tsubasa)
Title President (Tsubasa) Princess (Tsubasa)
Known relatives Sonomi Daidōji (Mother)
Nadeshiko Kinomoto (1st Cousin once removed, deceased)
Sakura Kinomoto (Second Cousin)
Toya Kinomoto (Second Cousin)
Residence Tomoeda, Japan (CCS)
Japan and Piffle World (Tsubasa )

Tomoyo Daidouji (大道寺 知世 Daidōji Tomoyo?) is a fictional, major supporting character in Clamp's anime and manga series Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. She is known as Madison Taylor in the English adaptation Cardcaptors. She is voiced by Junko Iwao in Cardcaptor Sakura and by Maaya Sakamoto in Tsubasa Chronicle. In Cardcaptors, she is voiced by Maggie Blue O'Hara and by Michelle Ruff in the 2nd Movie. She is voiced by Amber Cotton in Tsubasa Chronicle.

Tomoyo's given name (知世) can be best interpreted as worldly wisdom. This is appropriate for her character, as Tomoyo is very intelligent as well as amazingly perceptive of others' feelings. Her family name, Daidouji (大道寺 Daidōji?) could mean temple of great moral principles. Another possible reading is main street temple, where this could be a pun of Daigoji, a famous temple in Kyoto, Japan.

Tomoyo is the best friend of the series heroine, Sakura Kinomoto (Sakura Avalon in Cardcaptors). When she discovers that Sakura has become the Cardcaptor, she becomes Sakura's primary assistant by designing "battle costumes" (similar to another CLAMP character, Hokuto Sumeragi, who designs extravagant outfits for herself and her twin Subaru) and filming all of her magical (and non-magical) endeavours. (The videotaping, however, seems to be more to Tomoyo's personal benefit and enjoyment than it is to Sakura's.) Tomoyo faithfully keeps Sakura's new identity secret and often covers for her in times of need.

In the early releases of the manga, one of the artists was not aware that Tomoyo had feelings for Sakura. As a result, some scenes in the beginning chapters show Tomoyo with a slight crush on Sakura's brother Toya. Clamp soon clarified the story with each other, however, and Tomoyo is subsequently seen showing more attention towards Sakura.[1] This is rectified in the series by a scene revealing that Tomoyo blushes around Toya because he reminds her of Sakura.

Tomoyo is the daughter of the president of Daidōji Toy Company, Sonomi Daidōji (Samantha Taylor). Sonomi and Sakura's mother Nadeshiko Kinomoto (Natasha Avalon) are first cousins, which makes Sakura, Toya and Tomoyo second cousins. Tomoyo's father is never shown in the series and is only alluded to once, but it is apparent that he does not live in the Daidōji household. Her western-style house in Tomoeda is quite grand, with several maids serving the household. She is sometimes attended by the Daidōji family's team of female bodyguards, and has access to prototype technology from her mother's company (including the cell phones she supplies to Sakura and her circle).

Tomoyo is very mature for her age. One of her major character traits is her selflessness towards Sakura. Tomoyo is kind, caring, highly intelligent, beautiful, meticulous, and very melodic (she has a superb singing voice and often has solos in choir recitals). She always speaks using formal verb conjugations and expressions, giving her a unique air of refinement amongst the cast. When needed, Tomoyo can exhibit considerable cunning and resourcefulness, which was most prominently displayed in the final movie (much of which revolved around a complicated scheme she had devised to give Sakura as many opportunities as possible to confess her feelings to Syaoran).

Tomoyo aids Sakura's efforts to be in the company of Yukito Tsukishiro (Julian Star) on many occasions, and, in the second half of the series, becomes the confidante of Syaoran Li (Li Showron) when he finds himself falling in love with Sakura.

In Cardcaptors, Tomoyo is renamed Madison Taylor. Elements that might have hinted at a romantic attachment to Sakura are removed from the story. Her 'love' for Sakura is completely platonic. Despite the removal of a lovers relationship, Tomoyo still acts as Sakura's best friend and supporter, and loves giving Sakura new battle costumes, and filming Sakura on all her adventures.

The fact Sakura and Tomoyo were second cousins was also erased from the story, mostly due to the network passing over the episode where Sakura and Tomoyo discover the fact they are related.

Tomoyo's relationship with Sakura is full of love and friendship. Tomoyo's actions make it clear that she deeply cares about Sakura, often to the point of obsession.

Tomoyo first meets Sakura in the third grade when she receives an eraser in class after forgetting her own. The eraser, likely used only that one time, has become Tomoyo's most precious possession. It was that one random act of kindness that sparked the development of their relationship, where Sakura's ongoing cheerfulness, kindness, and cuteness are matched by equal amounts of love and devotion from Tomoyo.

In the manga Tomoyo professes her love for Sakura (albeit not in a very direct fashion) on multiple occasions, marked by the use of flowers in the background to indicate love (a common visual theme in manga and anime). However, Sakura has romantic feelings for others throughout the series, and never interprets Tomoyo's messages as anything other than expressions of their friendship, which are eagerly returned. Despite their close friendship, it is clear that Sakura has no romantic feelings for Tomoyo in either the manga or the anime. Tomoyo has a few conversations (not always with Sakura) in which she suggests, if not outright states, that she has feelings at least a level deeper than "close friendship" which she does not express.

Tomoyo herself does not express, or otherwise appear to possess, any feelings of jealousy or resentment toward those that Sakura has romantic feelings for. She instead is completely selfless and loves Sakura to the point where as long as Sakura is happy, Tomoyo is happy, regardless of whom Sakura ultimately loves. In one conversation, Tomoyo has stated to Sakura that she would of course be thrilled if the person whom she loves also loves her back, but what matters most to her is simply that person's happiness.

Sakura's response, unknowing that this "person" is herself, replies confidently, "The person you love must be really happy then."

In episode 46 of the anime, when Sakura is transported to a world where everyone forgets about their feelings toward the people they love most, she greets Tomoyo in a friendly manner like every day at school, but instead of going on talking to each other, Tomoyo merely changes her shoes and walks away, only to turn back and tell Sakura that they will be late for their classes. Also, at later classes, Tomoyo doesn't hang out with Sakura anymore and wouldn't greet her when Sakura's cheerleading practices were over. Reason would say that this means that Tomoyo cares about Sakura more than anyone else.

Tomoyo in Tsubasa
An alternate-universe version of Tomoyo is an important character in the Clamp manga series Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle (whose corresponding anime is titled Tsubasa Chronicle). She has appeared as two separate incarnations.

Here, Tomoyo is the princess of a country called Japan/Nihon who sends the warrior Kurogane on the quest that causes him to join the dimension travelers. Tomoyo is a powerful miko sorceress responsible for maintaining the wards of Nihon that protect the country from demons. While Tomoyo is her given name, she also goes by the hereditary regnal name of Tsukuyomi, the Princess of Shirasagi Castle who keeps the wards. She has an older sister, Amaterasu (Kendappa-ou of RG Veda), the Empress of Nihon. Tomoyo's powers are related to the moon, which grants her the ability to send people through time and space and also to communicate to others through dreams (or at least other incarnations of herself). Tsukuyomi is a Japanese god of the moon, while Amaterasu is goddess of the sun.

In another universe in the same series, Tomoyo is the President of Piffle Princess, a corporation that sponsors a race with one of Sakura's feathers as the prize. This version of Tomoyo is quite similar to Cardcaptor Sakura's version in personality and circumstances: She owns a video camera with which she plans to tape Sakura's performance in the race and she creates a costume for Sakura to wear. Tomoyo also has female bodyguards in this universe just like the Tomoyo in 'Cardcaptor Sakura'. In this world, there is a brief reference to Kero (Keroberos), shown later in an episode where Kero-chan appears. He makes a very short appearance as a balloon-like figure that resembles him a little in volume 10. Tomoyo also appears briefly as a school girl in Hanshin Republic.

In the Tsubasa Chronicle the Movie: The Princess of the Country of Birdcages, Tomoyo re-appears being as the princess of that country. Her uncle cast a spell upon her to make her lose her ability to speak (alluding to an episode of Cardcaptor Sakura) , however she can still communicate by touching another person and speaking through their mind.

Tomoyo's voice actress for Tsubasa is Maaya Sakamoto, who coincidentally supplied the vocals for the third opening of Cardcaptor Sakura, as well as the voice of 'The void" in Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card. She also supplies the vocals for the Tsubasa ending theme "Loop" and "Kazemachi Jet"


Name: Tsukamoto Tenma 塚本天満
Date Of Birth: 30th November
Blood Type: B
Likes: Karasuma Ouji
Dislikes: Perverts
Abilities: Message Archery, High-speed cycling, Tying weird hairstyles

Short, undeveloped and childish for her age, Tenma often is mistaken as being younger than her classmates and her younger sister Yakumo. She does not believe herself to be very pretty in the eyes of boys, even though most of them admit that she's cute. She strives to be seen as a woman, and is able to bend spoons with her mind. One of her distinctive physical features are the little pigtails in her hair, which often wiggle if she is happy or excited. She is also dense, slow and unreliable and often misunderstands obvious situations. Despite her negative qualities, Tenma is good-natured and friendly. She enjoys professional wrestling and is a fan of the jidaigeki TV show called "The Three that were Slashed", which Kenji Harima is also a fan of. Tenma is also a relatively poor student, and both she and her sister have to work part-time jobs to make ends meet.

After knowing of Karasuma's disease, and even finding out that he lost all memories of her, she decided to transfer to the United States and continue her studies there in order to stay beside him, she also decided to study medicine.

According to the last Japanese poll performed by the publishers of the manga, Tenma is currently the fourth most popular character in the series.


Nagato Yuki

Voiced by Minori Chihara (Japanese)
Michelle Ruff (English)
Gender Female
Species Data Entity
Occupation SOS Brigade fifth seat / North High student (second year) / former Literature Club Captain (technically still acting as such)

Yuki Nagato (長門 有希 Nagato Yuki) is a fictional character in the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel series. She is initially portrayed as an introverted, taciturn bibliophile. She is actually an artificial human created by the Integrated Data Entity, and possesses supernatural powers as a result. She joins Haruhi Suzumiya's SOS Brigade in order to observe her on the behalf of the Integrated Data Entity. In addition, she is present to ensure that Haruhi does not use her godlike powers, and aids the other Brigade members in stopping forces that wish her to do so.


Apparently, Yuki has extremely pale skin, as there are numerous times in the original light novels where Kyon describes her face, neck, hands, or fingers (as she flips the pages of the book she is reading) as "white". Also, Kyon always comments on how Yuki has the uncanny ability to walk "soundlessly". Yuki is attractive enough to earn an "A-" grade from Taniguchi.


Yuki Nagato is a quiet high school freshman that is the only member of the SOS Brigade that willingly joined Haruhi's SOS Brigade and was not "voluntarily arrested," or forced into joining, by Haruhi Suzumiya. She was a member of the Literary Club, whose other members were all seniors who graduated, leaving Yuki the sole member of the club. She lives alone in the same apartment complex as Ryōko Asakura, in room 708. She wears glasses and her school uniform at all times, permanently discarding the former only after Kyon told her that she was cuter without them, and first wearing a different outfit when the SOS Brigade went on vacation to a remote island.

Yuki is a "humanoid interface", or artificial human, created by the Integrated Data Entity for the purposes of interacting with and observing events on Earth. Specifically, she has been created to observe Haruhi, who can create huge quantities of data from nothing. Haruhi represents the potential for an evolution in autonomy; an ability that the Integrated Data Entity does not have.

As an artificial human, she has numerous paranormal abilities. She is capable of manipulating the properties of the environment and any materials within it at any scale to her desire, referred to as "bogus magic" by Kyon. For instance, she can modify a baseball bat to hit only home runs, nullify data links (removing other artificial interface connections from their bodies), plus she is able to make a cover up story (since Ryōko was gone, she made a cover up story that she moved to Canada), and reconstruct a classroom, down to the last detail, after everything in it was completely destroyed. As a result, she is capable of feats of superhuman strength, agility, and stamina. In one instance, she was unfazed while impaled by multiple metal spikes, and effortlessly reconstructed her body afterwards. Her state also affords her an extreme level of intelligence. She can comprehend the rules and concepts of a game instantaneously, as well as create flawless strategies based on her observations, and was able to learn how to play a guitar mere moments after receiving one. However, she has been seen to be fallible, such as when she reconstructed the devastated classroom but forgot to reconstruct her broken glasses. Yuki also has a lack of understanding towards social norms and earth technology, as demonstrated by her bluntly literal future predictions and her clumsy attempts at using a computer mouse. This is likely due to her self-imposed state of near-total isolation in order to interfere with as little of the environment around Haruhi as possible.


Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking. When prompted to speak, she does so in a very concise manner, always speaking in a monotone and displaying a dispassionate expression. She thinks very rationally, and finds it difficult to communicate with normal humans due to her intelligence and lack of empathy. She enjoys reading, and is seen reading a book in the majority of her appearances, typically of the science fiction or mystery genres. As the series continues, she displays an enjoyment of computer games and develops a sense of humor, although her unchanging facial expressions make it near-impossible to discern whether she is joking or not. Despite her reserved manner, she is reliable and trustworthy, resulting in Kyon trusting her more than any other member of the SOS Brigade. Though seemingly cold and devoid of emotions at first glance, Yuki subtly shows a genuinely warm care and concern for her fellow SOS Brigade members, Kyon in particular. This is shown by her keeping Kyon warm with her cardigan as he fell asleep in the club room, and her taking care of Mikuru when she fainted from terror in the "Murder Island" incident. At the end of The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya, she also expresses gratitude towards Kyon's promise to protect her from being deleted with a simple "thank you" (even though up this point, expressing gratitude or emotion is supposedly uncharacteristic of her).


Name: Hanon Houshou
Age: 13-14 years old
Are: Mermaid Princess of the South Atlanic Ocean
Height: 152 cm
Birthday: May 24th
Constellation: Gemini
Blood Type: B
Hobby: Shopping
Special Talent: Makeup
Favorite Subject: Japanese
Least Favorite Subject: Gym
Favorite Color: Aqua
Favorite Flower: Sakura [cherry blossom]
Favorite Food: Cheesecake
Least Favorite Food: Natto [fermented soybeans]
Favorite Type of Boy: A grown-up person

Hanon is the Mermaid Princess of the South Atlantic Ocean and keeper of the aqua (水色 mizu-iro "water-color") pearl. Unlike Lucia, Hanon goes up to land to escape water creatures. She is perky and feminine, yet a bit more worldly than her friend Lucia. This worldliness is evidenced by many of her actions—especially by her romantic pursuit of her music teacher, Tarō Mitsuki. Her idol form is Mizuiro (Aqua) Pearl Voice, although the first time that it is named in the manga, she is erroneously called Blue Pearl Voice.


Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka
Type: Boy-Lolita
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Birthday: February 29 (Pisces)
Height: 4’ 9"
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food:Cake, strawberries, other types of sweets, sometimes spicy 

Voiced by: Ayaka Saitō (anime and later drama CDs), Ikue Ōtani (early drama CDs), Luci Christian (English)
Bio:Mitsukuni Haninozuka (埴之塚 光邦 Haninozuka Mitsukuni?), age 18, usually called Hunny (ハニー "Honey" in English dub), is a third-year at Ouran High School depicted as a very childish and cake-loving boy who is much older than his elementary school appearance would indicate. In the anime, there is a scene which shows the true strength and power Honey possesses and it is said that he has been told by Japan's Defense Minister not to show his full power for fear of other countries thinking Japan held a weapon of mass destruction, causing the other countries to fire missiles at Japan (see episode 18 in the anime). Hunny is often around his cousin, Mori, who is very close to him. Honey lives with his father, the owner of a famous dojo and his little brother, Yasuchika, with whom he is often at odds. Hunny is very fond of eating sweets and his room is full of stuffed animals. He always carries around a plush bunny named Bun-Bun (Usa-chan in the Japanese version; usa is short for usagi, meaning "rabbit"). He used to hide his true self (with much difficulty) by being a "real man" for some time, but after Tamaki convinced him that liking cute things wasn't bad, he soon realized that there was absolutely no need for him to do that. Then, together with Mori, he joined the host club, attracting customers with his shotacon cuteness. His nickname, Hunny, could have come from his personal name Mitsukuni (光圀) because the abbreviation to "Mitsu" can mean "honey" (蜜), or as an abbreviation of his family name Haninozuka.
He was originally intended to have a extreme dual personality. Also the "crouching in the corner, depressed" stance was reassigned from him to Tamaki. He is shown to be similar in looks and personality to Momiji Sohma from Fruits Basket. Coincidentally, both characters are voiced by the same seiyū.

Fujioka Haruhi
Type: Natural
Grade: First Year, Class A
Birthday:February 4 (Aquarius)
Height: 5’ 0"
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Sushi, ramen, strawberries 

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese anime and later drama CDs), Aya Hisakawa (early drama CDs), Caitlin Glass (English)

Bio:Haruhi Fujioka (藤岡 ハルヒ Fujioka Haruhi?) Age 16, is the main character of the series. She is an intelligent but poor first-year student attending exclusive Ouran High School on a special scholarship that requires her rank first in her class. One day, while looking for a quiet place to study, she stumbles upon the Ouran Host Club and accidentally breaks an expensive vase belonging to the famed Host Club and must work off her debt as a host for them; to do this, she must disguise herself as a boy, which she finds easy to do because she does not feel that her gender dominates her personality. She soon realizes she enjoys acting as a host to other girls, which she takes to naturally, though she does not like taking time away from studying and finds the antics of the other hosts extremely irritating. Although habitually quiet and unflappable, she has a deep fear of thunderstorms. Haruhi lives with her okama (drag queen) father and has become skilled in household chores due to her mother's death when she was 6. Although her independent, straight-forward personality clashes with those of the other, more outgoing hosts, Haruhi becomes friends with them, especially the Hitachiin twins, who are in her class, a fact that is exceedingly troublesome to the Host Club King, Tamaki.
Her home was formatted after a former Hatori residence.


Other Characters

Ryoji Fujioka (藤岡 涼二 Fujioka Ryōji?), Haruhi's father, works at an okama (cross dressing) bar under the name Ranka (蘭花?). He says that he was originally bisexual, but became asexual after his wife's death because he could never love another woman. In contrast to Haruhi's practicality and lack of interest in material things, he is rather bad with money, and buys girly clothing for Haruhi in the hopes of getting her to dress more cutely. He even repacks her suitcase for an overnight trip in episode 8 of the anime, replacing the clothes she had packed with a dress.

Haruhi's stubborn self-reliance causes her father to worry about her a lot; he would like to be more involved in her life and do more things for her, but she rarely lets him. However, the two of them do have a clearly loving relationship. While her father would like to be able to take care of Haruhi, it seems that often Haruhi ends up taking care of him instead, as shown in a flashback in which a very young Haruhi refuses to allow him to go to parents' day at her school because she wants him to stay home and rest instead.

There is a marked similarity between Haruhi's father and Tamaki, upon which several other members of the Host Club have commented. Partly because of this, and partly as a result of Tamaki's evident romantic affection for Haruhi, Ryoji has stated that he considers Tamaki an enemy, and seems to take some amusement in picking on him. Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (Japanese), Mike McFarland (English)

Kotoko Fujioka

Kotoko Fujioka (藤岡 琴子 Fujioka Kotoko?) was Haruhi's mother, who died while her daughter was still very young (Haruhi remarked in the first episode that it has been ten years since her mother died, which puts her at about 5 years old at that time). It is known that she was an attorney at law and that Haruhi takes after her in some ways and that she remains Haruhi's great example. If the way Haruhi recalls her both in waking memory and in a dream is accurate, she was dedicated and a loving mother who wished the very best for her family. One would assume she was also somewhat open-minded in order to live with and love her husband, "Ranka", who has stated that Kotoko was both beautiful and intelligent. He also reveals that she was apparently a closet fan of the St. Lobelia's Zuka Club of her day. In recent chapters, it is also shown that she was quite popular at her law school. Voiced by: Mika Doi (Japanese), Jennifer Seman (English)

Yuzuru Suoh

Yuzuru Suoh (須王 譲 Suō Yuzuru?) is the patriarch of the Suoh family, Yuzuru shares some of his son's characteristics. Despite knowing of his mother's loathing of Tamaki, he could do little to help the situation. To date, his only act of rebellion against his mother's wishes seems to be that he did not simply break off his relationship with Tamaki's mother, but instead divorced the woman his mother had chosen for him. In the anime he does seem to be a bit cold to Tamaki, though this might be to show that he does not favor his son as a student, as a scene in the anime shows photographs of Tamaki at different stages of life on his desk in his office. It also seems Tamaki gained his charms from his father. Interestingly, Tamaki is very serious in Yuzuru's presence. The manga is a little different, showing Yuzuru as eager to tease his son at every opportunity, sending him red herrings in the middle of an investigation and telling tall tales.

It has been revealed (in volume 9) that Yuzuru knows where his wife is; it wouldn't have been hard for him to arrange for Tamaki a reunion. What the father had in mind was the idea of having Tamaki surpassing him in terms of capabilities, so that Tamaki may inherit the Suoh empire, and force his grandmother to accept his mother. Unwittingly, his kiss on Tamaki's forehead gave the teen the same idea, and he kissed Haruhi's forehead as a "paternal" gesture. In the last episode of the anime while the host club are enjoying the last night of the festival, Kyoya's father, Yoshio Ootori, was in his office at Ouran (the Ootori head states what his third son did to avoid the Tonnerres in accumulating their business), Yuzuru told Yoshio that they might as well be friendly to each other like their own sons, but after hearing from Yoshio that he is planning to have his son, Kyoya, marry Haruhi someday, he commented that they will never be friendly after all, hinting that he is planning the same thing for Tamaki and Haruhi. Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese), John Swasey (English)

Yoshio Ootori

Yoshio Ootori (鳳敬雄 Ōtori Yoshio?), Kyouya's father, is the patriarch of the Ootori family. Yoshio is portrayed as a cold, calculating father. Kyoya tries hard to please him in order to become heir of the family, despite the fact that his father is apparently a cold and uncompromising man, who shows no understanding for his children and has planned out the lives of his sons as his own successors already. In the manga, he acknowledges Kyoya as a possible successor despite being the third son. In the anime, he states he had already decided Kyoya would inherit Ootori Medical from him, only to have his third son buy it and return it to his control without ever revealing his identity. He wants Kyoya to marry Haruhi in the anime. Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki (Japanese), Kent Williams (English)

Fuyumi Ootori

Fuyumi Ootori (鳳芙裕美 Ōtori Fuyumi?) is Kyoya's older sister. In the anime, she appears during Kyoya's flashbacks about his first meeting with Tamaki. She clearly cares for her younger brother and tries to help him in life; apparently she is somewhat lacking in the areas of housework and organization, but she appears to be a kind-hearted person. It is revealed in the manga that she was married, but returned home later (for a short visit, which her father chided her for). Her husband's surname is Shido (矢道?). She and Tamaki are pursuing a tour of commoners' food together. Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Christine Auten (English)

Misuzu Sonoda

Misuzu Sonoda (園田 美鈴 Sonoda Misuzu?) is Ranka's colleague at the okama bar. He runs a pension in Karuizawa, Nagano. His real name is Isao (功?). He was formerly a banker. Voiced by: Yūichi Nagashima (Japanese), Sonny Strait (English)

Mei Yasumura

Mei Yasumura (安村 メイ Yasumura Mei?) is Misuzu's ganguro daughter, who hates her father for being a crossdresser, as it was the reason for her parents' divorce. Misuzu then managed to get the Fujiokas to keep an eye on her for a while, as she runs away from him. During her stay at the Fujioka's, Haruhi secretly prepares recipes for her with Misuzu's cooking, such as jam and demiglace sauce. Fortunately after some work by the Host Club, Mei managed to reconcile with Misuzu. She adores creating her own fashions and loves seeing her clothes on other girls. Yasumura is the surname of her stepfather (during the divorce, Mei's custody was awarded to her mother). She developed a crush on Tamaki, who secretly worked a part-time job in an attempt to reunite Mei and her father, and enlisted Haruhi's (reluctant) help on the matter. Later on she had suspected that Tamaki might be in love with Haruhi (and vice versa). Befriending Haruhi, later on she gives Haruhi love advice. She is the only non-Host Club member to appear on any volume cover in the manga series.

Éclair Tonnerre

An anime-only character. Éclair is the beautiful and shrewd heir to the France-based Grand Tonnerre Group, which in the anime now employs Tamaki's mother as a servant in Éclair's house. Having heard a great deal about Tamaki from his mother, Éclair develops a kind of crush on him and Tamaki's grandmother (who detested his mother) concocts a scheme to make him Éclair's husband. She tracks down Tamaki in Japan and convinces him to leave the Host Club, offering him a chance to see his mother if he complies with her wishes. She secures noninterference from the Ootori group by arranging for the Grand Tonnerre Group to buy Ootori Medical so as to control Kyoya's father.

She does not immediately recognize Haruhi as a girl, however she does believe that Haruhi is Tamaki's (male) lover. This leads her to try to drive a wedge between Haruhi and Tamaki, with some degree of success. In the end, Tamaki leaves Éclair in order to save Haruhi's life, but not before leaving a good impression by genuinely smiling at her and thanking her. She then asks her driver to head toward the airport without Tamaki, telling her driver how wonderful and pure-hearted Tamaki is because he actually could smile at her after all that she had done.

Éclair from French can be translated as lightning, and tonnerre as thunder, the two things Haruhi is afraid of. Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Japanese), Colleen Clinkenbeard (English)

Host Club Rivals

Zuka Club

Benio Amakusa (天草紅緒 Amakusa Benio?)                                                                          The President of the Zuka Club. Benio is nicknamed "Benibara-sama" at St. Lobelia's and is the most popular of the Zuka Club's ruling council. Benio is also known as "The Lady of the Red Rose". A "Benibara-sama's guardian club" has been founded at St. Lobelia's just to make sure she doesn't get mobbed when walking down the aisles. There is also a fanclub devoted to her. Benio doesn't exactly help matters; she flirts with girls with the same ease as Tamaki. On one occasion, Benio claimed that she was following in the footsteps of her mother, who was supposedly also president of the Zuka Club in her day. This may have been nothing more than a lie meant to sucker Haruhi into helping the Zuka Club out with a play. Although female, she refers to herself with the pronoun "boku," usually used only by males (see Gender differences in spoken Japanese). Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga (Japanese), Callie McHalen (English)

Chizuru Maihara (舞原千鶴 Maihara Chizuru?)
The Vice President of the Zuka Club, also known as "The Lady of the Lily". Chizuru is outwardly the most placid member of the ruling council, but this counts for nothing; she never objects to any of the Club's plans, but rather assists and makes things worse. Voiced by: Miho Yamada (Japanese), Jamie Marchi (English)
Hinako Tsuwabuki (石蕗雛子 Tsuwabuki Hinako?)
One of the leading members of the Zuka Club, known as "The Lady of the Daisy". Hinako is the youngest member of the club's leading council and arguably the most energetic of the three. They also tend to bother Haruhi, for they think that she shouldn't wear boy uniform and kept on insisting Haruhi to join their club. Voiced by: Yuko Sasamoto (Japanese), Brittney Karbowski (English)

Student Leaders

Kazukiyo Soga (相賀 和清 Sōga Kazukiyo?)
The Class President of 1-A, Kazukiyo suffers from nyctophobia and a fear of just about anything else that is scary. He has romantic feelings for Class 1-A's Vice President, Momoka, whom he has known for years, but he is initially too shy to come out and say anything. Hikaru and Kaoru comment that he is the kind of person with pure feelings who they can't tease, possibly because he is more emotionally vulnerable than Tamaki. In the manga, he unwittingly caused Haruhi some problems when he became top of his cohort. (Haruhi has to be the top student in her grade in order to keep her scholarship to Ouran.) In volume 6, it's revealed that his father is a famous politician. Voiced by: Shigenori Yamazaki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)

Momoka Kurakano (倉加野 百華 Kurakano Momoka?)
The Class Vice-President of 1-A. She conducts class meetings with Kazukiyo and has new-found respect for him after he put up with the Halloween ordeal. She is a frequent client of Haruhi in the Host Club. Voiced by: Tomomi Watanabe (Japanese), Carrie Savage (English)

Host Club associates and customers

Renge Houshakuji (宝積寺 れんげ Hōshakuji Renge) is the Host Club's (self-proclaimed) manager who tends to be very loud and outspoken. She had lived in France for a short time before she came to attend Ouran. Renge first came across the Host Club by maintaining the belief she was Kyoya's fiancée despite never having met him in person. This is due to her love of visual novel-type video games to a point that she sometimes confuses them with real life. Her fascination with Kyoya originated from her obsession with one such dating game (Kyoya greatly resembled the lead character). Still, her experience with dating sims causes her to be more aware of character development and a thickening plot. Tamaki initially allowed Renge to become the host club's manager in hopes that she would be a female friend to Haruhi and inspire her to act and dress more feminine. He was harshly disappointed when Renge wound up developing a crush on Haruhi, believing she was a boy. In the anime, she almost always enters using a rising platform powered by a high powered motor, even when the host club is off campus, and with a high pitched giggle- "oh hohohohohoho". At first she often complains how they are "not good enough" in various ways, but as she grows more satisfied with the hosts, she begins bringing in more customers with her fangirlish ways. She also changes favourites every once in a while. Amusingly enough, Renge has proven an asset to the Host Club as a manager on several occasions. She can accurately predict what will win the greatest approval of customers due to her wide range of knowledge on various subjects, most of them connected to the concept of "moe". Kyoya has complimented her on several occasions already. Renge also has activities which allow her talents to flourish that do not directly concern the Host Club; in the anime, she is shown hosting a sentai show for school children and she apparently is involved in producing the Moe Moe Ouran Journal (萌え萌え桜蘭日記 Moe Moe Ōran Nikki), a school magazine containing all things related to moe at Ouran High School. Her catch phrase (I could eat three bowls of rice) is a reference to the anime "Green Green".

In the manga, Renge largely disappears from view after her initial appearance in chapter 3 (although she makes cameo appearances in subsequent chapters). Hatori mentioned that Renge was going to be more of a recurring character, but it never happened. Her comment probably led to Renge's numerous appearances in the anime. Some of her parts were originally performed by Tamaki in the manga, e.g. the coaching of Shiro and Nekozawa. Interestingly, in volume 9, her appearances were significantly increased.

A trait that Renge displays in both the anime and the manga is that, when she becomes extremely angry, she assumes a Medusa-like aspect, with her hair transforming into snakes. At such times, she can drive most of the other characters before her in blind panic. Voiced by: Kozue Yoshizumi (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)

Umehito Nekozawa (猫澤 梅人 Nekozawa Umehito?) is depicted as a hooded figure holding a cat puppet named Beelzenef. Umehito hates bright light to the point that he refers to anyone who drags him into lights as 'murderers'. The Black Magic Club’s president, he tries to get people to join his club though is not too successful. However, anyone who joins gets a free "Beelzenef" doll. Umehito has one as a puppet, but it is also available as a voodoo doll. Nekozawa claims that if you write the name of the person you hate on the back of the doll, the person will be showered with misfortunes. Tamaki, especially, is superstitious about Nekozawa's curses due to having experienced them first-hand, or so he believes.

Umehito is actually very handsome under his hood, although he wears a black wig over his naturally blond hair and bright blue eyes. He has a younger sister named Kirimi who is afraid of the dark and cats. As a result, the two siblings were not able to be around one another until Tamaki and the Host Club got involved and prompted Umehito to adapt to light and display his more heroic and princely side. In the end, it is Umehito's love for and desire to protect his little sister that endears him to her, despite his photophobia; he braves daylight to save Kirimi. Although he collapses right afterwards from exposure to sunshine, Kirimi loves him all the more for his willingness to brave that which he loathes so much to protect her. On a funnier note, at the end of volume 8, it is shown that Kirimi has turned into a nearly identical darkness fanatic as Umehito. Both sport dark cloaks and have their features covered. Despite the Host Club's efforts to help him brave the sun, he is still just as obsessed with his occult passions. In the Halloween episode, he appears before Tamaki (from a coffin no less) and offers his services in helping scare the student body.

In Volume 3 of the manga, the Host Club actually stay at Umehito's private beach and mansion, not Kyoya's, though Umehito does not attend dinner because Haruhi switched the lights on and caused him to go into shock. The Host Club (Mori, Hunny, the twins, and Haruhi) also see Umehito without his cloak and wig for the first time as he comes out to see what's wrong when Haruhi is being taken to the bathroom. It is unclear if he has realized that Haruhi is a girl but seeing as she spent the whole time in a dress instead of her typical boyish clothes it's very possible he knows her secret and just doesn't care about it, although in a manga chapter, that is clearly rebuffed as Haruhi (who was in a witch costume at the time) is clearly referred to by Umehito as "Mr. Fujioka".

The Nekozawa family traces their lineage to the Tokarev Dynasty in Russia, suggesting that Nekozawa family may work with gun manufacturing companies (a firearm even appears in the manga). In the anime, Umehito refers to himself using the polite pronoun "watashi" rather than "boku" or "ore". Voiced by: Yuji Ueda (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)

Ritsu Kasanoda (笠野田 律 Kasanoda Ritsu?) is the successor to the third generation master of the Kasanoda-gumi, the most powerful yakuza group in Kantō, Japan. He was raised at a young age to be the next leader so in effect most people see him as a very intimidating person and he has few friends because of it. Indeed, he's most well known for his long red hair and scary-looking face. Since Kasanoda's features have been intimidating since birth, his father claimed he had the right face to become the most frightening yakuza boss in history and actually trained him to appear tough and unapproachable. Kasanoda therefore initially doesn't talk much, though he can be angered easily. Despite his outward appearance and upbringing, he actually tends to be a kind person who enjoys helping others. His classmates know him as the feared "human blizzard".

Kasanoda initially seeks to apprentice under Morinozuka, hoping to become as respected and admired as he. He suffers some humiliations at the hands of the Host Club members, all out of a desire to learn how to make friends and be able to have fun with people. Later experiences concerning a member of his household named Tetsuya show him that there are already people at his home who know his good side - they just didn't mention it because they knew he is not only kind-hearted, but also shy and easily embarrassed.

Due to Kasanoda not knocking before entering, he has become the first person at Ouran High outside the host club to discover that Haruhi is a girl. He had a confused crush on her prior to learning she was a girl and consequently falls in love with Haruhi and attends the Host Club as a customer. However, when he tries to admit his feelings to Haruhi, he is rejected with no ill intent (even though Haruhi is usually quite adept when reading the emotions of others, she is usually quite clueless when others show a romantic interest in her), who considers him an understanding friend (this due to Kasanoda saying he had come to see her so Haruhi could talk to someone who knew her secret, so she could be at ease). Since Kasanoda has been told by Kyoya that Haruhi must appear to be male for 'special reasons', he resolves to not cause her any trouble by publicly stating they'll be friends forever, so she won't have to worry about being thought odd by associating romantically with him. Kasanoda, of course, does not realize that the 'special reasons' consist entirely of Haruhi's debt to the club.

Ever since that incident in the host club though, his desire to have friends is fulfilled when everyone in the host club (hosts and customers) agree to become his friends. He joined the Gardening Society of the school. In episode 25 of the anime he is seen surrounded by female students, apparently embarrassed but certainly not angry. Interesting to note, several members of his household are covertly observing Kasanoda's school life from behind the bushes at the time. Voiced by: Wataru Hatano (Japanese), Christopher Sabat (English)

Kanako Kasugazaki

Kanako Kasugazaki (春日崎 奏子 Kasugazaki Kanako?) is the subject of help for the Host Club in episode 2 of the anime. Initially, Kanako was well-known for changing her hosts every now and then - "host-hopping" - the usual practice being for a girl to designate a permanent host. She only did this to spite her fiancé, Tohru Suzushima, into paying attention to her, but it wasn't successful until Tamaki got wind of their situation and decided to help out. She made a cameo appearance in episode 13. In the anime, she's the first person Haruhi ever kisses, during a ball organized by the Host Club (and where they executed Tamaki's plan to bring the couple together). In the manga, Haruhi kissed a different girl. Voiced by: Natsuko Kuwatani (Japanese), Laura Bailey (English)

Shiro Takaoji

Shiro Takaoji (鷹凰子嗣郎 Takaoji Shirō?) is the subject of help for the Host Club in episode 6 of the anime. In the manga, he's later "loaned" to Kasanoda in the attempt to make him "cuter". He made a cameo appearance in episode 13 as a mouse. In the anime, at the end of episode 6, Shiro's pose is a nod to his seiyū's more famous role as the titular character in Naruto. Voiced by: Junko Takeuchi (Japanese), Brina Palencia (English)

Ayame Jōnōchi

Ayame Jōnōchi (城之内綾女 Jōnōchi Ayame?) is a classmate of Kyoya and Tamaki, and the class vice-chairman of 2-A. Ayame became Haruhi's tutor when Haruhi failed to be top of her cohort. Despite hating Tamaki for his eccentricities, and the fact that he's always second in class (Ayame was consistently third after Tamaki came to Ouran), she had a crush on the Host Club President. Initially, she permed her hair straight, but after Tamaki's advice, she reverted to her natural hairstyle (wavy) and became a regular at the Host Club. She's also known for her ability to speak for a long time in a single breath; as such, her nickname among the Host Club members is "Morse Code Lady". In the anime, her appearance is limited to a cameo in episode 24, when Tamaki introduced himself to her (and Kyoya).

Reiko Kanazuki

Reiko Kanazuki (伽名月 麗子 Kanasuki Reiko?), a student of Class 1-D, has a crush on Hunny. However, due to her shyness (and obsession with curses), the Host Club initially had the wrong impression that she was out to do Hunny harm. After some words from Hunny, Reiko decided to try to overcome her shyness, and also became a regular at the Host Club. She's the second member of the Black Magic Club to be named.

Ouran's Characters 7th: Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka

Type: Strong and Silent
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Birthday: May 5 (Taurus)
Height: 6’ 2"
Blood Type: 0
Favorite Food: Oriental
Voiced by: Daisuke Kirii (Japanese anime and later drama CDs), Kenjirō Tsuda (early drama CDs),  Travis Willingham (English)

Bio:Takashi Morinozuka (銛之塚 崇 Morinozuka Takashi), age 18, usually called Mori (モリ), is a third-year at Ouran High School. Mori is depicted as tall, quiet and somewhat intimidating, but he is very protective of Hunny (who he calls by his first name, Mitsukuni, and vice versa). It was seen in the anime and manga (anime: episode 12, manga: chapter 14) where Hunny had a toothache. Mori blamed himself for not reminding Hunny to brush his teeth. He then restricted Hunny from eating candy until he had a filling for his cavity. Hunny ended up judo-throwing Mori to the floor in a fit of anger, but they made up soon afterward. The Morinozuka family had protected and served the Haninozuka family for many generations. As the two families were joined by marriage two generations back, the families became related to each other, thus breaking the master-servant tradition. Nevertheless, Mori still faithfully protects Hunny and is always by his side, attending to his wishes and watching out for him; his protective personality extends to his classmates and the host club members, resulting in his gaining a certain level of respect. Although as a host, he is considered the "wild" type (changed to the strong, silent type in the dub, most likely to make it less confusing as it's not explained why he's the wild type), he normally doesn't try to woo girls. The girls like how he cares for Hunny, and shyer customers are attracted to his tall physique and taciturn personality. In the manga, he has a more outgoing little brother, Satoshi Morinozuka, who does not appear in the anime. Mori's hobbies include kendo, of which he is the national champion. In the manga, it is revealed that he becomes uncharacteristically talkative and flirtatious when he is tired. Also in the later chapters, he raises a chick he names Piyo and also takes in a stray tanuki.

Ouran's Characters 6th: Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka (iMori's Favorite Chara)

Type: Boy-Lolita
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Birthday: February 29 (Pisces)
Height: 4’ 9"
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food:Cake, strawberries, other types of sweets, sometimes spicy 

Voiced by: Ayaka Saitō (anime and later drama CDs), Ikue Ōtani (early drama CDs), Luci Christian (English)

Bio:Mitsukuni Haninozuka (埴之塚 光邦 Haninozuka Mitsukuni?), age 18, usually called Hunny (ハニー "Honey" in English dub), is a third-year at Ouran High School depicted as a very childish and cake-loving boy who is much older than his elementary school appearance would indicate. In the anime, there is a scene which shows the true strength and power Honey possesses and it is said that he has been told by Japan's Defense Minister not to show his full power for fear of other countries thinking Japan held a weapon of mass destruction, causing the other countries to fire missiles at Japan (see episode 18 in the anime). Hunny is often around his cousin, Mori, who is very close to him. Honey lives with his father, the owner of a famous dojo and his little brother, Yasuchika, with whom he is often at odds. Hunny is very fond of eating sweets and his room is full of stuffed animals. He always carries around a plush bunny named Bun-Bun (Usa-chan in the Japanese version; usa is short for usagi, meaning "rabbit"). He used to hide his true self (with much difficulty) by being a "real man" for some time, but after Tamaki convinced him that liking cute things wasn't bad, he soon realized that there was absolutely no need for him to do that. Then, together with Mori, he joined the host club, attracting customers with his shotacon cuteness. His nickname, Hunny, could have come from his personal name Mitsukuni (光圀) because the abbreviation to "Mitsu" can mean "honey" (蜜), or as an abbreviation of his family name Haninozuka.
He was originally intended to have a extreme dual personality. Also the "crouching in the corner, depressed" stance was reassigned from him to Tamaki. He is shown to be similar in looks and personality to Momiji Sohma from Fruits Basket. Coincidentally, both characters are voiced by the same seiyū.